u88 Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

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Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

1. PURPOSE、British University Vietnam has long been committed to excelling in support for learning and teaching and to widening participation in higher education.

The Recognition of Prior Learning Policy seeks to recognise and value prior learning and help students find their level and make the best use of their learning experiences. It provides a framework to bring together all RPL provision and ensure equity of treatment across subject disciplines.

The RPL is designed to encourage achievers to participate in higher education by enabling them to utilise prior knowledge and skills appropriately against the Learning Outcomes of their chosen programme.

2. SCOPE、The RPL is developed to comply with Vietnamese University Quality Framework and align with the Quality Assurance Agency UK Quality Code and European Standards andGuidelines . The RPL is applicable to all applications for BUV’s Undergraduate andPostgraduate programmes.


The RPL enables an individual, or group of students to incorporate previous relevant theoretical and/or practical learning into a programme of study and be accredited for this learning. Accreditation is a means of considering all relevant formal certificated learning and experiential learning for credit towards a named award. Units of learning, theoretical or practical, that are accepted for accreditation must be of compatible value to the programme content and academic level. The smallest unit of accreditation or recognition will be a module. RPL applications cannot be made retrospectively in the event that a module has been taken and failed.

The methods and processes of acquisition of knowledge and skills may be different, but the learning outcomes must be seen as substantially equivalent to those identified in the approved award. This equivalence can be claimed against a level of study using the level learning outcomes and/or individual module using module learning outcomes andapplies to both specific and general credit. The RPL will only accredit prior learning where the University award is of an equal or higher level than that previously studied.

When Faculty members review the evidence, they must satisfy the following criteria:

Validity–evidence must be provided that the prior learning for which the applicant is claiming credit is relevant to the programme they have applied for at BUV. The applicant must demonstrate that there is an appropriate match in both level and content between the previous studies and the BUV module or modules for which they are seeking accreditation.

Currency–prior learning must have been gained sufficiently recent to make it still of value. The RPL Policy will recognise formal certificated or experiential learning which has occurred up to five years prior to the start date of the course. Articulation and Advance StandingAgreements will be reviewed periodically and when there aresignificant changes to partner institution’s courses.

Sufficiency–applicants must provide enough evidence to fully demonstrate they have achieved the credit currently being claimed.

Authenticity– evidence must be provided that relates to the applicants’ own efforts and should be able to be verified as such. It is the applicant’s responsibility to gather evidence for any claim.

Prior learning can only be used for accreditation purposes once. Students who have been accredited for specific prior learning at BUV cannot apply for accreditation of this specific learning again.

No student should be disadvantaged whether through progression opportunities or award classification through following a Recognition of Prior Learning route. Some programmes at BUV are accredited by professional bodies and in some instances, this may prevent BUV or partner universities from accrediting prior learning.


Admission to the first year without any module exemptions of a higher education course is not considered within RPL as this is considered in admissions policies.

There are several instances where either individual applicant claims for RPL, or the University uses RPL for a group of applicants for example:

An individual applicant may claim for RPL before they enrol on their programme

A group of applicants, for example from a corporate client, may apply for accreditation of their learning.

The University may formalise accreditation of a qualification from an external body .

The University may accredit prior study or qualification on a particular course from another educational institution

Theseleaders using the principles above.

pre-course enrolment RPL claims are dealt with by admissions or course tutors/


The maximum amount of credits that can be exempted from prior learning recognition forBUV’s own programme is 50% of total credit, subject to changes in Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training’s regulation. The maximum number of credits that can be exemptedfrom prior learning recognition forpartner universities’ programme shall comply with theirapplicable rules and regulations.


Each RPL decision is arrived at on a course-by-course basis by mapping either the stage, or level, or module learning outcomes . Each RPL decision also align with the Vietnamese NARIC centre guideline to ensure coherent recognition across the country as well as partner universities guideline.

All applications for RPL should be made as early as possible. If the module has already commenced, the Admission Office will need to advise the student on alternative solutions.

All RPL claims must be made in the English Language and where necessary the student will need to provide translations of evidence for the claim. The Admission Committee will consider the RPL claims and if the decision is that the prior learning has not met the learning outcomes, student should continue to study themodule and undertake the full assessment in the usual way. An Admission Office representative, as secretariat of the Admission Committee, will issue an official decision in writing to confirm with student and parent.


Admission Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning Application form