u88 Manufacturing EN

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Industries Case study


Public Sector




Finance services



Cross Industry


Provide world-leading production management solutions, such as MES and SAP ERP

With over 26 years of technology experience, CMC Corporation aims to take the lead in the digital transformation for manufacturing enterprises from small and medium-sized to large-sized, provide world-leading production management solutions, such as MES and SAP ERP with a team of leading technical experts in Vietnam.

01、Smart Factory Solution - MES

MES is the most cost-effective smart factory management solution for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Thanks to MES, manufacturing businesses can capture all information generated at the production site in real time, thereby not only improving the production stage but also helping to make the most optimal decision to manage production operation. Since 2016, CMC has been promoting the implementation of MES for 200 clients of SAMSUNG in Vietnam; at the same time, the company plans to expand business cooperation in Southeast Asia.

02、Deploying SAP ERP for factories and production systems

Ciber-CMC is a leading professional and prestigious name in Vietnam in the field of consulting and implementing ERP with 30% of SAP market share and a team of 150 leading ERP consultants in Vietnam. Ciber-CMC provides international and Vietnamese clients with software solutions and services that are consistent with SAP's top quality, helping businesses to optimize their production processes, reduce costs and obtain highest investment efficiency.

Case study、Smart Factory Solution - MES

26 May 2019、Cost problems for manufacturing activities at the Smart Factory

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Case study、Deploying SAP ERP, VMS, DBM

26 May 2019、Honda Vietnam and 25 dealers need a large-scale production management system

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Technology Solution


Global Business

CMC Technology Research Institute